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Harvest Time!

The 2017 harvest at Sculpterra Winery started on September 5th, with 12 tonnes of Viognier fruit coming in on that day, all picked by hand.
I was too busy (and too covered in sticky grape juice) to operate a camera, but Randy from Sculpterra was out with his DSLR. Check out the winery’s Facebook page for some photos and a short video. My job that morning was collecting bins of fruit and dumping them on a sorting table behind the tractor. It took a good few days to recover from that morning’s work, so I have a huge amount of respect for the guys and girls who do that kind of labor day in day out. Sculpterra has a range of wine dedicated to the workers, called Heroé. Come to the tasting room and check it out, if you’re in the area. My printed images are still on display there too, so you can see those while you taste great wine.

Today, it was time for the Mourvedre to be picked, and this time I brought my D7000 with me. Here are some of the moments I captured.


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